October 23, 2011

Going back to work

So I am going back to work tomorrow. I am having a mix of emotions that are somewhat unexpected. I am ready. I thought I was ready. It's only part-time . . . or it will be. About 20
hrs a week. I have to work full-time for the first few weeks for training. Full-time is a little overwhelming. I have not worked full-time since I got married. Wow, I think I might be tired this week. Plus I have to get Maggie up and out the door with me. That is a lot of work. Anyone who isn't a mom can't understand that. She is going to my mom and dad which is a relief. She loves
Grandma and Grandpa. The most important part is I know she will be safe. I have a hard time thinking about dropping her off with people I don't know where I don't know how she will be treated or what the standards will be. My only concern with Grandma and Grandpa will be that she will be spoiled, because she will be. But I guess that is what grandparents are for. I think my
emotions are coming from the concern that Maggie is going to forget me. That she will look at me when I get back to mom and dad’s and not want to go home with me. Crazy huh. I know it is but I still have it in the back of my mind. Once I’m back to part time it will be ok, it’s just the full time thing that is really getting to me. I give any mom who can do it credit. So why am I going back to work? Largely for my mental health. Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mom but I need some adult interaction. I thinking waiting until in my 30’s to get married and have my first child has made staying home all day, everyday with a baby difficult for me. I’m used to getting out of the house and talking to people – adult people and accomplishing thing. I KNOW raising my daughter is a huge accomplishment but it’s also a huge adjustment to make. We are getting there. Slowly. In the meantime to help with mommy’s sanity and also to help with christian education down the road, I am going back to work. Oh and maybe so I can get a mini-van :)

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